Technology as an enabler
I believe in technology as an enabler to help promote transparency, diversity and sustainability in the musical ecosystem. Something very much needed in times when the value of music is increasing, but the creators at the core of the value chain have difficulties in making ends meet.
This is why I, together with the organisations I am leading, work closely with selected tech companies to help develop their systems and products to make sure that they meet the needs and demands of the authors creating the content that the companies business models are built upon.
Below are a few of the companies we are actively engaged with at the moment.
New Internet Media

The New Internet Media is a FinTech operation – not a copyright management service. The service provides detailed and fully transparent reporting on all online/digital activity to be used also in user-centric licensing.
To transfer royalties in the same way music is streamed — instantly, to anyone, anywhere in the world.
Deliver royalty payment rapidly and securely using cutting-edge technology scaling across media & entertainment content globally.
New Internet Media is one of three partners, together with the International Music Council and Skap (the Swedish composers and Songwriters ), granted the EU-project “Fair Music” in December 2023 (a four-year project).
The project is described on the EU web:
“We are concerned with the way in which the dominant music streaming services do not apply fair remuneration and discoverability practices for music creators. While these services represent, positively, an alternative to music piracy, their models are continuously called out across the music sector as unfair and unremunerative. Consequently, the Fair Music Project aims to address the issue of fair remuneration and recognition in the digital environment. In addition to technological innovation, the project includes capacity-building actions to empower music artists and professionals, as well as awareness and advocacy actions to entrench fair practices in the public and political spheres.”
Copyright Guard

In the evolving landscape of the music industry, integrating copyright registration within a Limited Liability Company (LLC) structure offers significant legal and financial advantages. This approach provides enhanced protection and streamlined management of musical intellectual property.
Utopia Music
Utopia Music finds where your music is being played and creates new revenue streams. By leveraging modern technologies they are developing the music ecosystem, helping everyone from creators and PROs to Publishers and Artists by consolidating data and decluttering the admin.
The Global Music Vault
The Global Music Vault is set deep inside an arctic mountain in far north Norway, on the Svalbard archipelago. Svalbard is a declared demilitarised zone by 42 nations.
The safety, security and remoteness made it a perfect choice for a vault containing such valuable information. Further, the cool, dry permafrost conditions increase the longevity of the stored data.
Designed to withstand natural and man-made disasters, in the safest location on earth, data stored here will last for centuries.
Much of our heritage is stored digitally and, despite best efforts to protect it for the future, it can be exposed to risks, either from the online environment or just from the limits of modern storage technology.
The combination of resilient long-term storage technology and the remote, safe and cold conditions found on Svalbard, enables data to live on into the distant future.